Study abroad in Paris this Summer 2025!

Pasadena City College's French program offers a great variety of courses, ranging from basic and advanced language courses to French Conversation, French Pronunciation, French Culture/Civilization, French and Francophone Cinema or Literature. Challenge yourself and experience an internship in a French professional workplace in Los Angeles area or in France. Join our very unique Club to discover French and Francophone Cultures and worlds. So many activities and outings await you: chit-chat, dictée, la table ronde, The American French film Festival, museums and much more. Professors and Tutors are at your side. And to acknowledge your hard and productive work, you can receive certificates, awards...Whether you’re a beginner or already fluent in French, we have something just for you...Alors, venez and check out our French Program Webpage!

UCLA Professor of French explains the importance of taking French at a Community College.  Open Modal


Dear Students,

Why should you study French at your community college?

When you transfer to UCLA, it will open opportunities for you to:

  • Major or Minor in French and truly master the language.
  • Study abroad in one of our enriching summer programs.
  • Take literature, culture, and cinema courses, giving you the incredible ability to enter someone’s mind.
  • Intern in a French-speaking company (in LA or France)
  • Develop grit: Yes, it is challenging to learn a language, especially French!

Your studies in French will equip you with essential 21st-century job skills: efficient interpersonal communication, deep intercultural understanding, critical thinking, and resilience. You will be ready to become the leader of tomorrow in the workplace.

Look beyond simple requirements and invest in your future! Take French courses!

Laurence Denié-Higney, PhD
UCLA Center for the Study of Global France
Chevalier dans l’ordre des palmes académiques

Want to learn more?

Contact professors Emilie Garrigou-Kempton at or Emmanuelle Remy at

Not a PCC student yet? Apply now.

Explore Your Passion

We offer elementary to intermediate French courses as well as a variety of culture and history courses. Use the links below to see full course descriptions and the current schedule of classes.

View and Search the Class Schedule

View French options in the Academic Catalog

French | Associate in Arts (AA) Degree

Major in French AND earn a degree. By completing the French major program at PCC you will earn an AA degree in French as well as complete many of your lower division major requirements to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in French prior to transferring to a four-year university.

View Degree Requirements

Foreign Language Proficiency in French | Occupational Skills Certificate

Demonstrate your proficiency in the French Language with an Occupational Skills Certificate! Certificates are available in Basic Proficiency in French (12-13 unit certificate) and Intermediate Proficiency in French (12-14 unit certificate).

Basic Requirements

Intermediate Requirements

Advanced Requirements

Certificate Completion

To earn an Occupational Skills Certificate you must complete all required courses with a C or better. After completing course requirements, complete the Certificate Application and return to the Languages Office, C-247.

Download Certificate Application

  • You need 16 units, choose any French classes you want as long as you have 16 units or more 
  • On your transcript, it will be noted that you have earned a "Certificate of Achievement in French"

View the French Certificate of Achievement

These program maps represent possible pathways through the program and are for reference only.

Associate in Arts
The French program offers a broad spectrum of courses, ranging from language instruction to studies of civilization, culture, literature, and the arts. Language courses focus on all four skills—reading and listening comprehension, writing, and speaking. 

French AS Program Map

French Certificate of Achievement
The curriculum prepares the student to read, write, comprehend and speak at the intermediate level and provides knowledge of the cultures of Francophone countries. 

French Certificate of Achievement Program Map

Sarah receiving her French Certificate

Experience Working in French
Locally or Abroad

Internships are a proven way to gain relevant knowledge, skills, and experience while establishing important connections in a given field. The tremendous particularity of this internship is the foreign language component: you will speak in French. Levels of French will depend on where you do your internship. It is the best way to immerse yourself and improve your French. Internships are a way to get your feet wet and find out if a specific field is something you could see yourself doing in the future. The experience they provide make you a preferred job candidate with another language in your portfolio.

Here are the places where you can do your internship: 

  • French Dual Language Immersion Altadena Arts Magnet School*
  • Alliance Française de Pasadena
  • Consulat de France Los Angeles

French workplaces want PCC students who are motivated, eager to learn, to discover their passion and above all to explore the French language! Come on board, Internship WEXP (Work Experience) awaits you!

There are no internship during the winter and summer sessions.

*For students interested in participating with TAPIF (Teacher Assistant Program in France), the internship at the Altadena Dual Immersion Arts Magnet School is a great opportunity for PCC students to develop their communication skills in French and learn how activities are created and managed. It is a plus when students fill in their TAPIF application and on your resume. 

Want to learn more? Listen to Jose Castillo

Want to Apply? For more information about our internships, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

The PCC French Department is proud to have had students hired by the French Government for past years with the TAPIF Program. Our students have been paid to live in France for 7 months and speak English with French students to give them conversation practice. Living and working in France are the best ways to absorb the language and discover how French people live, study and work.

Elmer M., who took numerous French classes at PCC, was in France when the French and Francophone Club Zoom invited him to come and talk about his TAPIF experience. He created a PPT to present his life in Southwest France. Please check out the video about his experience with TAPIF.

The PCC French Department offers the Work & Study Award that David Cuatt and Kris Pillon have generously provided to help our students have a study abroad experience.

For students interested in participating with TAPIF (Teacher Assistant Program in France), the internship at the Altadena Dual Immersion Arts Magnet School is a great opportunity for PCC students to develop their communication skills in French and learn how activities are created and managed. It is a plus when students fill in their TAPIF application and on your resume. 

Should you be interested in applying for the TAPIF program or if you know someone is,  visit the TAPIF website.

Read more about The great adventure of Bry, Kenny and Elmer, English Teaching Assistants in France

To learn more about Kenny's previous experience as a TA in Clermont-Ferrand, check out this article

For more information about TAPIF, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Kenny in a French elementary school in France (TAPIF)

Discover Languages Awards & Scholarships

Work & Study Abroad in France or in a Francophone country

David Cuatt and Kris Pilon are honored to provide a $500 award to a PCC French student planning to be part of a work/study abroad program in France or in a Francophone country. The award is intended to help financially with the expenses that participants will incur, such as airfare, housing, food, etc.  Students will write a letter to explain their motivation and the purpose of the program they choose. The award funds will be transferred upon proof of participation (such as confirmation from a French company or organization), and flight reservation and payment.  A summary with photos of the experience will be required following its end which will be posted on the French and Francophone club website.

David Cuatt and Kris Pillon are retired professors who taught at PCC in the area of Graphic Arts. They share a love of travel and continue to be enriched by the Foreign Language program at PCC, particularly in Italian and French. They recognize the benefits of first-hand experiences of living abroad, and want to help other students to have the opportunity of living fully immersed in a culture.

For more information about our semester program see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Dr. Pedrini, French Instructor and Professor Emmanuelle Remy, French Instructor, are honored to provide a $1000 scholarship.  One or several French Students of the Year, in recognition of special actions and attitudes, will be selected.  These are students in the French Department who show qualities such as courage, dedication, perseverance, tenacity, assiduity, originality, support, progress, and leadership, to name a few. Students need to have taken 2 semesters of French. They are determined to learn the French language and support the French Department.  The $1000 scholarship will be given to one student or shared by several students. It will vary from year to year.  Keep doing what you are doing and it might be you next year!  Ce sera la surprise du chef and it might be You! 

Michèle Pedrini and Emmanuelle Remy-Riley are offering this scholarship based on observations from PCC French professors.This award is not conferred solely on grades/performance but also honors and recognizes students for their learning evolution and their blossoming in French courses as well as their contributions to the PCC French Department and its students.  

For more information about our semester program see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Read PCC Certificates & Awards in French Discipline

Students from French program can apply to Kathleen D. Loly Scholarship.

Read about Kyle, recipient of the LOLY

Learn More

Zoe receiving a scholarship for French Student of the Year

Live French & Francophonie Beyond the Classroom

All Year-Round


Join the French & Francophone Club Salons that meet online and/or in person on campus or at festivities. Our online/on campus Salons provide an engaging place to be, to learn and to discover French and Francophone news, culture, cuisine aspects etc. Come listen to guest speakers who are from different backgrounds but always have the French/Francophone common denominator. They can be students, professors, professionals etc. It is on Friday.

Twice a week, come to listen to the French Fulbright Teaching Assistant ‘Talks who is coming directly from France. He/she/they will speak about music, literature, food, places to discover and more.


But the Club offers more than that and with the PCC French program, if you feel like practicing or brushing up your French, come to our Chit-Chat À la Française, La Dictée de Timothée, La Table Ronde, for immersing yourself and your passion into the language. All those activities are led by our amazing French Fulbright Teaching Assistant.
All those previous activities happen to be on Friday and we call it "Vendredi Brochette" or
"French Friday Kebab" as the activities are aligned one after the other. It is a fun day!


We encourage you to be a part also of competitions, festivities on campus or in the greater Los Angeles area like The American French Film Festival where you could be a volunteer.


The club is the opportunity to meet other French students and to create a fun and unique community. And the French & Francophone Club webpage helps all of us to stay connected.


If you would like to share an experience, a good tip, a French or Francophone experience, or something else, this is the place to share and exchange. Please check the French & Francophone Club webpage to see our online sessions calendar, articles, news, outings, etc.

For more information about our semester program see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

You want to "Parler Francais" then join Cami on zoom for a one-on-one 15 min chat! 
You can come prepared or not. Our French Fulbright has always a topic to talk to.

For more information about how to book a spot for the Chit-Chat à la Francaise,
see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

The Salon is an event that is mainly conducted in English, but everything revolves around French and Francophone themes.
Each session, a new guest speaker will present an aspect of French culture, including but not limited to lifestyle habits, news, songs, experience of PCC French Internships, a voyage in a Francophone country or in France,  etc. 
Our guest speakers can be current Students or Alumni, outside and inside Collaborators, Professors, Director of Film Festival, Someone from the LA community involved in French and/or Francophone field etc. The Salons can be held on campus, on zoom or on a particular place such as Norton Simon, Huntington Library etc.

For more information about the French and Francophone Salon,
see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

If you ever feel that spoken French is just a blur of sounds and you want to improve your ability to understand what people are saying, come to this phonetic and spelling activity : La Dictée de Timothée

For students who desire greatly to improve their level of oral French comprehension: there are regular gatherings to do dictées together via Zoom.  It is on Friday. We recommend at least level 2. But it's open to anyone studying French or wanting to improve their French and to anyone (even if level1) who wants to take the challenge .  The meeting will be mainly conducted in French but English can be used so that it is accessible to all levels of French students.  All you need to have is a pen or pencil and paper.

La Dictée de Timothée: monthly event, to develop your learning but also to prepare you for La Dictée Competition. Learn more about La Dictée Competition.

Story behind La Dictée de Thimothée

The activity "La Dictée" within the PCC French Department was initiated by a Fr. 4 student, Timothée Chan, who is a lover of France, French language, French culture etc. During the Spring semester 2021, Timothée organized twice a month an e-gathering and students loved it. It became very quickly "La Dictée de Timothée".

For more information about how to participate to The La Dictée de Timothée see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Each session is a discussion held all in French on a contemporary subject, either through a cultural object discovery, a news event, and more! Students talk only in French about diverse topics centered around authentic pedagogical materials: stories, poetry, articles, songs, videos, etc. The event is thus built for French students’ level 3-4 and above, but anyone is welcomed to join to watch and/or participate. We meet on Friday and the session is from one hour up to one hour fifteen minutes. Meetings are online.

For more information about how to participate to The La Table Ronde see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Students will explore diverse scripts spanning various genres to expand their vocabulary, grasp emotional nuances, and gain deeper insights into French culture. Each session will kick off with enjoyable warm-up exercises to set the stage for active participation.

Activity led by Bry and Laura, PCC bilingual students, and with the participation of The Fulbright Teaching Assistant.

For more information about L'Atelier Théâtre see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

PCC French Program is very pleased and honored to welcome a French Fulbright Teaching Assistant at Residence for a year. Having a French FLTA is a unique opportunity for the program but also for the students. It allows to offer many gatherings that complement French learning such as Chit-Chat a La Francaise, Salons, La Dictée de Timothée,La Table Ronde, the cultural FLTA's talks and more. The roles of the French FLTA in our establishment are very unique and versatile as the French FLTA is the leader of those activities as well as being the Public Relation & Webmaster of the official Lancerlife webpage see our official French and Francophone Club webpage. In addition, the French FLTA is an Ambassador of the French and Francophone culture. She, they or he will go to feeder schools and do a cultural presentation or lead a discussion in French or in English to French high school students as well as to Elementary schools or after school French program such as L'Ecole d'Altadena.

View the Cami at L'Ecole Française d'Altadena Photo Gallery 

For more information about how to contact the French Fulbright Teaching Assistant see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

If your establishment would be interested to welcome a French Fulbright Assistant, contact the Fulbright FLTA Program, Institute of International Education,  IIE • The Power of International Education.

PCC French Program in collaboration with the PCC Success Center are pleased to give the opportunity to students to contact and have access to Free French Tutoring with one of our finest French Tutor.

Find French Tutoring at PCC

PCC French Program in collaboration with the International Students Center are please to give the opportunity to students to contact and have access to Free French Tutoring with our wonderful French Fulbright Teaching Assistant.

For more information please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

All members of the PCC Community (students, faculty, staff) are welcome to borrow books from The Michele Pedrini French Department Lending Library*. Come to room R217 and feel free to take books that interest you and return them when you are finished so that someone else can enjoy them too.  A box is at your disposal for returning books. Thanks to various donors, our French library presents a very nice assortment of books, including topics such as gastronomy, politics, history, philosophy, and literature from the Middle Ages to the present (and much more). Most of the books are in French but there are some in English as well.

* We wanted to honor the work that Dr. Pedrini had accomplished for the PCC French program on the course of thirty years, and we wanted to dedicate her the French library as she is the one who came up with that fantastic idea and who created it. Therefore, we named it Michele Pedrini French Department Lending Library.

For more information about how to contact the Michèle Pedrini French Department Lending Library, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Once a Year

PCC students who are cinephiles and who love French movies, series, or programs will enjoy going to The American French Film Festival in Hollywood at the Directors Guild.  They can discover the latest French films. Some PCC French students have already been judges for the American Students Award. Also, when it is possible, French Department members participate with TAFFF and welcome on campus a Master Class which consist of watching a documentary or film and then have a discussion with the French Director in English.
TAFFF is also a wonderful place for volunteering and for now many years, PCC French students’ volunteers at the festival. They love this immersion experience and it is considered as Community Hours and it helps the French&Francophone Club to do a unique outing.

View the The American French Film Festival 2024 Photo Gallery

Read more about TAFFF 2024

For more information about The American French Film Festival please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

The English and Language Studies Division organizes its annual Open House for English and Language Studies Majors. This event is to promote our programs, to inform about resources and scholarships, to chat with ELS (English and Language Studies) faculty. Students love as it is a moment to know more about what they have at their disposal and they enjoy the food and the giveaway gifts as swag bags, used books etc.

View the The F&F Club & French Program at ELS Open House Photo Gallery

See our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors/Professors, please email Emilie Garrigou-Kempton or Emmanuelle Remy at

Come to listen or participate or both to the annual event The International Poetry Day.

Students and professors from different languages and countries gather to share poems in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, ASL, Arabic, Armenian.

It is an opportunity to embrace sounds, rhythms, emotions, movements, silents and be in touched within ourselves as a new world opens up.

View the PCC International Poetry Day 2024 Photo Gallery

View the International Poetry Day 2023 Photo Gallery

For more information about International Poetry Day see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors/Professors, please email  Emilie Garrigou-Kempton or Emmanuelle Remy at

Come to our annual World Cheese Tasting. It is an annual event in partnership with the International Student Center and the English and Language Studies Division.

It is an opportunity for students to explore a variety of cheeses from France, Italy and Latin America and learn more about the stories behind and cultures.

Wonderful displays of cheeses from different countries will make you travel and want to be visit those parts of the world.

View the 2024 Cheese Degustation Photo Gallery

View the Dégustation Fromages Italiens & Français Photo Gallery

For more information about World Cheese Tasting see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors/Professors, please email  Emilie Garrigou-Kempton or Emmanuelle Remy at

Come to our annual Francophonie Symposium. It is an opportunity to discover or re.visit a part of the world (with its beauties, cultures, languages ...)  where we speak French as well as to learn more about elements of History linked with the French colonization. The symposium welcomes guests’ speakers from around the United States and the world who will share their expertise, their culture, their literature etc.

View the International Zoom Exchange : PCC FFClub & Students of University of Lomé Photo Gallery

View the Francophonie Symposium 2023 : Vietnam Photo Gallery

View the Francophonie Symposium 2023, book Friday, March, 3rd : Destination VIETNAM Photo Gallery

In 2022 the PCC French & Francophone Club had the honor to be First Place Recipients of the 2022 France on Campus Awards

View the Second Francophonie Symposium 2022 Photo Gallery

For more information about Francophonie Symposium see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors/Professors, please email  Emilie Garrigou-Kempton or Emmanuelle Remy at

La Dictée Compétition is an annual event in partnership with L'Alliance Française de Pasadena, the PCC French Department, and the French & Francophone Club.

It is a fun and intensive two hours immersed in French:  there are quick reviews on grammar, conjugation, and lexicon with preparatory activities. Then comes La Dictée. There will be prizes for everyone.

Read more about our Dictée Competition

For more information about our semester program see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton

Languages at PCC are so active, so alive and so fun in classes and beyond. Without languages we lose our identity, our roots, our culture...This is why all along during the year we offer gatherings, outings to museums, to festivals etc but for one week each year, and English & Language Studies Division organizes festivities and put on pedestal one of the pilar that makes us human:

Language is the window that lets us understand the world.
Language creates our reality

When we acquire a new language, we unlock different subtle ways to experience a new reality that each language reveals - a reality of thought, culture and people.

During the International Week at PCC, you can listen and ask questions to PCC Alumni who are using languages in their profession. Join us for the Foreign Language Career Talk. You can also listen to some Italian opera, watch Spanish films, admire Chinese drums, experience calligraphy, watch a Tea Ceremony, etc.

View the International Week at PCC Photo Gallery

The PCC French Department participates actively in promoting French and Francophone cultures. Professors and French and Francophone Club members and students are at our wonderful booth to tell you all about our French Program and our French & Francophone Club.
We will be happy to see you there!

For more information International Week see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or to contact the Advisors, please email Emmanuelle Remy at or Emilie Garrigou-Kempton.

2025 launches our first Annual Symposium "Remembering the Holocaust" or "Le Devoir de Mémoire".

During the symposium, we will discuss the history of the Holocaust in France and explore how it is remembered and commemorated.  In addition to an historical overview of the events of World War II in France, we will hear testimonies from survivors and resistance fighters.

Dr Emilie Garrigou-Kempton, one of our Full-time French professors, will be the main leader of The Symposium "Remembering the Holocaust" or "Le Devoir de Mémoire". She is currently working on a project in the field of Holocaust and memory studies which focuses on a corpus of memoirs published by grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and explores how the memory of the genocide is transmitted across generations.

For more information Symposium "Remembering the Holocaust" or "Le Devoir de Mémoire" see our official French and Francophone Club webpage or please email Emilie Garrigou-Kempton or Emmanuelle Remy at

Wonderful displays of cheeses from different countries will make you travel and want to visit those parts of the world

Attending and Volunteering at The American French Film Festival (TAFFF) in Hollywood

Cami's Talks

Meet the French Professors at PCC

  • Omar El
    Omar El
  • Emilie Garrigou-Kempton
    Emilie Garrigou-Kempton
  • Emmanuelle Remy
    Emmanuelle Remy
  • Corrinne Slosburg
    Corinne Slosburg
  • Camille Weinert
    Camille Weinert